Welcome to the trail!

This is a roundabout story of one family who's traveled the trails from dust, to dirt, to the fast lane. I happen to be the teller of our tales. Thanks for joining us for the trip.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the Road

Like I mentioned in yesterday's post, my father was soon to begin a new job that would take Mamma and him out of Montgomery for a while. Through family connections, he went to work for DuPont who moved them to Wilmington, Delaware.
From by book, here's a letter Mamma wrote Nannie from Wilmington.

(a memorable date)—four year anniversary
Dearest Mother:
Thank you so very much for sending the spoons to us and for the very nice gown. I intend to put it up and keep it until my trek to the hospital or until such time that I may need to look nice in bed. (if that’s possible!)
I haven’t written to you since we’ve had our glorious news, but you must know I’m as excited as can be. G. B. is exactly as I had expected him as a prospective father to be, kind, gentle, and quite ready to let me say things to him when I’m feeling badly that I wouldn’t say if I were well and he wouldn’t listen to if he were not the sweetest person in the world.

I made a visit to the doctor today and he said that I am getting on wonderfully. I make another visit on August 18th. He gave me the date for the birth as February 4th, ’45.
He measured me yesterday and I must say I felt exactly like a geometry problem.
If you were near me I could talk to you for hours on the subject but I’m really not that fond of writing...
End of excerpt

It's a strange thing to read a letter of apparent affection between Mamma and her mother-in-law. Of course I came on the scene later, but my recollections of the two of them are far from warm and fuzzy. I'll give a glimpse into that as the story unfolds. For now, I'll let Mamma, Daddy, and Nannie languish in the news of the forthcoming child. And I'll let them enjoy their time away from Montgomery. Had it lasted longer, who knows what might have happened?

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